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What is TMG (Betaine)?

TMG, also known as betaine, is a naturally occurring compound found in a variety of foods, including beets, spinach, and whole grains. It is an important methyl donor in the body, meaning it plays a crucial role in a number of biological processes, including methylation reactions.


Research has shown that TMG supplementation can support healthy cardiovascular function by reducing levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. TMG may also support liver health by helping to reduce liver fat accumulation and inflammation.


In addition, TMG has been shown to support healthy energy levels by increasing the production of a compound called S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), which is involved in energy metabolism. This may also contribute to its mood- and cognition-enhancing effects, as SAMe is known to support healthy neurotransmitter function.


Studies have also suggested that TMG supplementation may have benefits for athletic performance, as it can increase muscle strength and power output. Additionally, TMG has been shown to support healthy DNA synthesis and repair, which may help to protect against cellular damage and support overall health and longevity.


Overall, our TMG supplement offers a convenient and effective way to support a variety of important biological processes and promote overall health and well-being.

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